Nadia Celico

My teaching style: Power happiness vinyasa.

About me: I was born happy and lucky. So lucky to pop up in the only possible family for me. Mine. With my father, my mother and my brother. I met yoga by chance. And what a chance! It was a gift. As before yoga I actually was on the Pilates side. You know!? It looks like the world is split in Yogis and Pilates people. Well, I was on the other side - not that there’s a wrong side or the right one. I just know now that yoga is definitely the one for me.

Where you’ll find me when I’m not at yogaloft: Probably at work or on my sofa which follows me since ever, move after move, town after town, country after country. We are best friends.

Aims and goals for the future: be always as happy as I am right now. Don’t ask for more.

Guilty pleasure: I’m addicted to psychology and detective investigations-based TV real life shows … as I know I would be a perfect detective, ah! Actually, ehm … every now and again I write to them to suggest cold and hot cases solutions... tz!

Favorite yoga pose: Forward fold - as it makes me feel so good to hang my heavy had down and let it go.