Private Sound Bath

60 minutes
1 person | 118€
2-4 persons | 225€
5-10 persons | 350€

Indulge in the luxurious and deeply restorative experience of a Crystal Sound Bath. This session offers a unique opportunity for you to immerse yourself in the enchanting vibrations and harmonious frequencies of crystal singing bowls, fostering relaxation, rejuvenation, and energetic alignment.

The session starts with intention setting, grounding and a short guided meditation to help you relax. As the bowls are played, their resonant vibrations will envelop you, creating a sacred space for deep relaxation and energetic realignment. The soothing sounds will wash over you, promoting emotional release, inner balance, and a profound sense of tranquility.

* Stress reduction and relaxation
* Emotional release and balance
* Energetic alignment and harmony
* Enhanced well-being and vitality
* Deep sense of inner peace and calm