Bowen Baby Massage

20 minutes

Baby Bowen Therapy/Fascia Release work for newborns is a wonderful gentle way to help in the first weeks, months and even years after birth. This treatment is applied with soft, gentle, yet very effective moves applied by the therapists finger tips and can even be done on a sleeping baby. Your therapist can also teach you some gentle moves to help at home too.

Bowen therapy is a holistic technique and emerging science that works on the soft connective tissue (fascia) of the body. Fascia is an elastic and often inelastic structural system of connective tissue that surrounds and holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fiber and muscle in place contributing to stability, flexibility, function and movement.

Connective tissue networks respond well to a light and intelligent touch using gentle non-invasive intervention applied by the therapists finger tips and thumbs. Small pauses throughout the treatment allow time for the body’s different systems to respond and relate through the central nervous system.

Baby Bowen can be used to help relax your baby and aid with discomfort relating to:

Infant Colic
Blue babies
Misalignments due to labor/birth process
Feeding or latch issues
Respiratory issues
Stiff neck
Sleep issues
Imbalances in the nervous system

Bowen Child Massage

20 minutes

Bowen Therapy/Fascia Release for children is a very gentle therapy to help aid in symptoms of many childhood ailments and problems and can be done on even the most sensitive children.

Bowen therapy is a holistic technique and emerging science that works on the soft connective tissue (fascia) of the body. Fascia is an elastic and often inelastic structural system of connective tissue that surrounds and holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fiber and muscle in place contributing to stability, flexibility, function and movement.

Connective tissue networks respond well to a light and intelligent of touch using gentle non-invasive intervention applied by the therapists finger tips and thumbs. Small pauses throughout the treatment allow time for the body’s different systems to respond and relate through the central nervous system.

What can it help in treating?

Stress /Anxiety issues
Bed wetting
Digestive issues
Respiratory issues
Autoimmune issues
Hormonal issues
ADHD and other related issues
Ear pain
Jaw pain
Headaches / migraines
Sleep issues
Pain management
Sports related injuries / performance
Special Needs
Cerebral Palsy